The Dreaded Pink Eye


It’s early morning. Your alarm clock goes off. You try to open your eyes to come to full consciousness. Then you groan — not because it’s so early in the morning, but because you just realized something awful. Your eyes are matted shut. They itch. And you realize you probably have pink eye. Now what?

Top Tips on Common Medical Conditions

I thought I would share updates and tips on some of the medical conditions we often treat. Pink eye There are different types of pink eye (conjunctivitis): allergic, viral, and bacterial. We have an exciting new test to help diagnose viral conjunctivitis. It is nice to have a definitive diagnosis so antibiotics are properly prescribed. TIP: If you have viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, the discharge from the eyes is highly contagious. Be sure to wash your hands especially after touching your eyes and do not to share face towels with anyone.